Provo White Relaxed Fit Tees
Provo White Relaxed Fit Tees
Provo White Relaxed Fit Tees
Fabric : 16s (265gsm)
Color : White
Fit : Relaxed fit
Anti-Twist Construction
Printed Graphic
Minimum shrinkage
Strong collar ribbed
Constant shape
Relaxed fit
Great durability guaranteed
*Kami menggunakan Heavy Weight Premium Cotton dengan karakter serat bahan yg besar, tebal, dan kokoh. Meskipun demikian, bahan tersebut tetap nyaman dipakai di cuaca yg panas dan lembab, karena memiliki sirkulasi udara yang baik dan mampu melepaskan panas tubuh dengan baik.
* We use Heavy Weight Premium Cotton with large, thick, and sturdy fiber characteristics. Nevertheless, the material remains comfortable to wear in hot and humid weather due to its excellent air circulation and ability to release body heat effectively.
Washing instructions / cara penyucian :
Ketika mencuci tshirt Relaxed Fit ini, gunakan cuci tangan atau cukup direndam dengan deterjen / antiseptic selama 30 menit, lalu keringkan dengan cara dijemur. Bahan dari kaos ini bersifat pre-shrunk sehingga akan ada penyusutan setelah dicuci.
Hindari menggunakan mesin cuci / dryer supaya tidak terjadi penyusutan yang signifikan.
When washing this Relaxed Fit t-shirt, use hand washing or simply soak it with detergent/antiseptic for 30 minutes, then dry it by hanging it out to dry. The material of this t-shirt is pre-shrunk, so there will be some shrinkage after washing.
Avoid using a washing machine or dryer to prevent significant shrinkage.